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Saturday, November 7

Exam finished...so many ppl birthday...=D

Finally exam finished on Wednesday which is the 4th of November....and tad day is my fren Ke Xin's burfday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I already gave her birthday present tad i called Bay Yee bought =D
Oh ya, 2th of Nov was komechi and shiyaoh's brother's birthday too...y tis month so many ppl birthday wan?? Tis month is my dad and my brother's birthday too...lol


Teacher gave away 8 papers d,i only get 3 A for math, bi and bc....
Now i'm waitin for the seni, bm and sivik paper...the teacher mark so slow! The sivik paper teacher gave us the exam paper d but not yet tell us the marks.duno y the Pn. Akmazura dun wan tell...
I no hope bm will get A coz the paper1 i only get 24 correct, i wif Jin Mei check the answers d!
Then waitin for the seni lo...the En. Zain mid year exam, he 2 months later only gave back the paper, coz he every week will cum 2-3 days only...i think tis tuesday he will give us!
Friday i saw En. Zain stand in front of 2K class and scold our class's malay students. I think is they no pass up the seni folio...after recess, he told our class tad monday(9.11.09) mus pass up the seni folio, if no pass up will get 0 marks for the folio! Tis folio before exam mus pass up d wan, but u noe the boys la...lazy to do wan! Luckily i passed it up d =)

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