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Miss You by S.M The Ballad ♥

Monday, October 12

Sad day...555~

*Sh1ya0h* so good can cut hair and play the nails!!!So happy...

Today im so sad,sad and so sad!!!555~

Today,when i'm back from tuition then of course have breakfast...can also say is wan reach lunch time d la...bcoz tad time is 11:30am d!!!i ate 'chi jiong fan'...Today i woke up late so i ate 2 piece biscuit only...then faster go to tuition d lo...when came back home vry hungry 'man'...

Finish having lunch d,then i help my mate do chores...do do do...vry happy... when i go c my hamster...i saw it dead d!!!tad time i vry sad then cry lo!!! Later,my mate 'mai' the hamster in the soil lo!
My hamster dead...im so sad!!! ='(

Later, i no appetite to eat d!And of course no mood to read books liao lo,i think tis exam i will die wan...
*Sh1ya0h* help me!!!plz...teach me geografi...

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