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Miss You by S.M The Ballad ♥

Sunday, May 16


Yesterday my family and I went 4 dinner at Dragon-i in JJ..
we wait 4 out seats..
a lot of ppl there..
until our turn, the cashier shout the no. tad is 49 loudly..
so rude..
tad is our no. so we went inside..
we order our food..
suddenly i saw skn who sx and shiyaoh HATE the most..
i oso quite hate の..
sit opposite me..
omg!!! then i sms shiyaoh and sx..
shiyaoh say me sui..
and call mii order all the expansive food like abalone, shark fin, crab ==
then i say there no shark fin, crab...got ramen and dumplings oni..
cos these are the popular food..
sx say last time she oso got met her b4..
so she slowly eat bcos skn is waiting 4 their seat..lol
they eat vry slow..
slow like turtle/tortise..
they came 1st but we pay 1st and went off 1st ==
we paid then until her turn to pay..
luckily we went off 1st not together..
tad's ytd happened..

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